184 Church St, Putnam CT

184 Church St, Putnam CT


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Unlock BIG savings for your budget today!

Complete the form below for a free quote and see how much you could save


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Unlock BIG savings for your budget today!

Complete the form below for a free quote and see how much you could save


We bring years of professional experience to the table. Our team of highly skilled painters understands the art and science of painting, delivering impeccable results that exceed expectations. Whether it's selecting the perfect color or ensuring a flawless finish, we provide top-tier quality in every aspect.

Great Customer Service

As a family-owned business, we value our relationships with customers. Our commitment to excellent customer service means that we are there for you every step of the way, providing timely updates, addressing your concerns, and making sure the painting process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.


Unmatched Quality and Expertise

We bring years of professional experience to the table. Our team of highly skilled painters understands the art and science of painting, delivering impeccable results that exceed expectations. Whether it's selecting the perfect color or ensuring a flawless finish, we provide top-tier quality in every aspect.

Great Customer Service

As a family-owned business, we value our relationships with customers. Our commitment to excellent customer service means that we are there for you every step of the way, providing timely updates, addressing your concerns, and making sure the painting process is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Save Thousands of Dollars

We're not just about beautifying your home, but also about providing value. We Only high-quality, durable paint and efficient techniques that extend the lifespan of your paint job. This means less frequent repainting, saving you money over time.

Save Thousands of Dollars

We're not just about beautifying your home, but also about providing value. We Only high-quality, durable paint and efficient techniques that extend the lifespan of your paint job. This means less frequent repainting, saving you money over time.


Reach out and let us know what you need for a same day quote.

We're more than a painting company. We're a family. We're a second-generation painting business, and we love what we do. We meet great people and paint their homes, bringing them joy and adding color to their lives.

We're here for you, bringing love and respect to each job we do.

Rodrigo Campos and the Pro House Painters Family


[email protected]
184 Church St, Putnam CT


Monday - Friday | 9AM-5PM

We're more than a painting company. We're a family. We're a second-generation painting business, and we love what we do. We meet great people and paint their homes, bringing them joy and adding color to their lives.

We're here for you, bringing love and respect to each job we do.

Rodrigo Campos and the Pro House Painters Family


[email protected]
184 Church St, Putnam CT


Monday - Friday | 9AM-5PM